Banda Island ( Keraka Island) or ( Crab Island )

Known locally as Pulau Keraka this Banda Sea dive usually begins with a drop down a near vertical wall which is blanketed by sea squirts in vibrant blues and yellows. At about twenty metres the wall gives way to a sandy, patchy bottom where all manner of interesting creatures can be found on close inspection.

Anemone crab, Indonesia - photo courtesy of Silent Symphony

Generally divers leave the wall to their left shoulders as they make their way round the southern tip of the island. Here you can expect to see the usual colourful array of reef fishes as well as bigger specimens such as impressive-sized groupers and schools of barracuda.

This Banda Sea dive site tends not to be subject to current as much as some of the others and, given its relative shallowness, makes for a nice, easy and pleasant beginning to your dive trip in the Banda Islands.

Crab Island Reef Basics: Fringing reef diving
Depth: 8 - 22m
Visibility: 20 - 40m
Currents: Gentle
Surface Conditions: Sea is generally calm
Water Temperature: 25 - 28°C
Experience Level: Beginner - intermediate
Number of dive sites: 1
Diving Season: All year round
Distance: ~1,650 km east northeast of Bali (83 hours), 320 south west of Irian Jaya (16 hours)
Access: Liveaboard scuba diving trips

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