Cape Kri ( Irian Jaya )

If you crave for the sense of being surrounded by fish you're gonna love this Raja Ampat dive site. Normally you will no sooner have deflated your BCD than the spectacle begins. A tremendous variety of fish will come into view, dominated, in terms of biomass by dogtooth tuna, giant trevallies and chevron barracuda.

Giant yellow frogfish with tube sponge - photo courtesy of Sheldon Hey

Add to this the likely presence of large Napoleon wrasses, whitetip reef sharks and giant groupers, as well as innumerable fusiliers and snappers, and you will wish your log book pages were longer. The very fortunate may even get a look at the five gigantic Queensland groupers, reputed to be as big as small cars, which are sometimes seen on this dive.

To dive here is to drift effortlessly with the current past these great numbers of fish. However that is not all the site has to offer, as the coral growth is equally diverse. In and around the coral you can look out for nudibranchs and scorpionfish as your air supply decreases at the end of what tends to be a most rewarding and always entertaining dive.

Cape Kri Reef Basics: Sloping wall
Depth: 5 - 40m
Visibility: 10 - 30m
Currents: Moderate but can be very strong
Surface Conditions: Calm
Water Temperature: 27 - 30°C
Experience Level: Intermediate
Number of dive sites: 1
Diving Season: All year round
Distance: ~50 km north of Sorong (5 hours), at Kri Island, near Waigeo Island
Access: Raja Ampat liveaboards from West Timor or Irian Jaya

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